The benefits of LAN

Local Area Networks (LANs) and Wide Area Networks (WANs) have much in common, but the differences are enough to make them two separate acronyms in speech and in practice. Each one has its benefits and downsides, and these advantages and disadvantages can affect an organization’s productivity significantly.

LAN connections can only operate in a local area which is usually not any bigger then a house, or a floor in an office building. Typically a LAN will consist of only a handful of clients, but can have upwards of a hundred.

 One of the major advantages with LANs are the speeds they can reach. With a LAN, it isn’t uncommon to see technology ready for 1Gbps (1 gigabit per second). Example: If you were to download all 3 816 000 English articles off of Wikipedia it would take just over 13 hours to do so, where as a WAN would take 16 days to do the same. A LAN can operate up to 30x faster then a WAN

 Another advantage to having a LAN connection is the cost. It is relatively cheap to have as it tends to require less hassle to set up and less advanced infrastructure to keep it running. This is mainly due to the technological components of a LAN, which brings me to the next difference.

 A LAN connection tends to require some relatively simple things to set it up. All you need is some Ethernet cables, a network switch, and you are good to go. Alternatively, you can also see LANs being done over Wi-Fi, or you can use Wi-Fi in conjunction with standard Ethernet connections to create a LAN available to all kinds of devices, whether it be a smartphone or a desktop computer.

what is lanman server


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